CC0 1.0
Document Status
Version 1.0

Seminar Assignment Description


The goal is this assignment is that small teams of 2-4 students  will analyze the software architecture of some existing open source project. The list of projects will be proposed by the teachers.

The students will prepare a short presentation of 15 minutes where they will present the main aspects of those projects from the point of view of their software architecture.

Those presentations will be followed by a 10 minutes session of questions. 

Apart from that, the teams will prepare a short document following the arc42 templates about the software architecture of those projects. That document as long as the presentation will be delivered through the internal virtual campus of the University.

The students can also include information about how those projects work and several organization aspects like testing, continuous integration, issue management, etc. 

The students should try to compile and build the source code and it will be taken into account specially if the students are able to add some improvement to the source code that is accepted by the project administrators.